Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Brinkley's First Christmas

It's Miss Brinkley's First Christmas! It has been so much fun photographing this little girl from a tiny baby to an almost one year old. Tonight was no different, she had her smile on! I can't wait until her one year old session next month. We have some fun things in store for the little Miss. Stay tuned! Until then, enjoy her Christmas session.

Oh, and a wedding!

I forgot to mention I had a wedding on Saturday. My first wedding with snow! Once the Mr. and Mrs. arrive home from Jamaica and see their pictures, I will post some.

Whirlwind Week

My studio has now been open for one week and what a whirlwind it has been. I have had two and three appointments almost every night. Let me tell you, it has been FUN! Here is just a sampling of last weeks photo sessions. "Fire" was the theme as you can tell by all of the fireman's kids.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Miss Teegen

Miss Santa arrived tonight in the form of Teegen. The first part of the session she was wide awake however as we were finishing up, sleep overcame her. The last picture is priceless! It is so much fun working with a sleeping (and snoring) baby! :0)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Carter and Carsyn

I had my first photo session in my new studio today. I could not have asked for better kids to photograph. Carter and Carsyn are like pros and we had so much fun with their Christmas pictures. Here is a sneak peek.... and believe me, I had a hard time choosing which ones to post!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

New Studio + Amazing Husband!

First of all I have to start by saying....I HAVE AN AMAZING HUSBAND! Not only did the cringe when I mentioned starting this project but he started and finished it in under three weeks! And, NO I didn't hassle him about it! I am so proud of the way my studio looks and I can't wait for my first in studio clients to see it on Monday.
So, on that note, I am revealing the new Photography Studio.............

I have asked Santa for a computer desk and these AWESOME zebra print window panels. I hope he listened to my request! :o)

Thanks again Chris for my new studio.....I LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Falwell Family

On Sunday I had the privilege to photograph these wonderful and FUN families! There was not one dull moment with this crew. Here is a little peek into our day.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Before and After - Outside

Here are the before and after pictures of Phase 1 of the studio. The outside is done, now for the inside. I hope that goes as quickly! :0)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Studio

Well, I am pretty excited today. With everything that is going on and will be going on, I am in need of a larger space. I was adamant on working out of my home so the only solution was to make my own space within our house. I have quickly outgrown the front room/office because my backdrops and lighting equipment take up way too much room not to mention an 8, 4 and 1 year old running around. So, the only solution was to inclose our attached garage and make it my studio. Today is officially groundbreaking day! Hopefully, within two or three weeks my studio will be in working mode. It is going to be pretty awesome if I do say so myself. I am going with the black, brown and cream color scheme and the studio will contain a reception area, actual studio and office area. I will officially have plenty of room for indoor studio portraits! YEAH! I will keep you posted on the happenings and stay tuned for the official OPEN HOUSE! I will also post some before, during and after shots.

I love you, honey, and thanks for making my dream come true! muah.....

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Hodnett Family

Do you want to know how to get men to take pictures? You let them bring their "toys" along! Actually, my mission in capturing family pictures is for them to be as natural as possible. And if that means bringing the Harley along for a ride, then I am all for it. We managed to get some AWESOME pictures with the bike today. I can't tell you how much fun I had with them today. I am so looking forward to our Spring session. Here is a little sneak peek into our "Hodnett Harley Session" from today.

The Davis Family

I really had a great weekend full of sessions with fun families. The best part of my profession is being able to capture the fun times that families have. The Davis family was no exception. As you can tell these two girls are full of themselves and were hams for the camera. Minus the wind, the day was perfect!

Hudson and Howard Kids

These three cousins were so adorable this morning. As with any kids I photograph, it takes them a little time to get warmed up but once I had them throwing leaves at each other, and ME, they were naturals. Here is a little insight into our morning.